Maybe It's Not Superhero Fatigue - Maybe It's Selfishness

Maybe It's Not Superhero Fatigue - Maybe It's Selfishness

In the enchanting realm of storytelling, there exists a theory proposed by Christopher Booker, suggesting that beneath the kaleidoscope of narratives, there are but seven fundamental plots that underpin all tales told. From the grand saga of "Overcoming the Monster" to the humble journey of "Rags to Riches," these timeless frameworks serve as the scaffolding upon which countless stories are built, each adorned with its own unique tapestry of characters, settings, and conflicts.

And within this rich tapestry lies the sprawling universe of Marvel Comics, where heroes and villains clash in epic battles that transcend time and space. With well over 30,000 Marvel comics cataloged in Marvel Unlimited, one might ponder: where, then, is this elusive "Superhero Fatigue"? Could it be that within the realm of superheroes, there lies a story to suit every taste, but not every story to every taste?

Consider the epic odyssey of "The Quest," where heroes embark on perilous journeys in search of truth, justice, or ultimate power. Or the transformative journey of "Rebirth," where characters undergo profound personal growth and redemption in the face of adversity. These themes resonate deeply within the pages of Marvel comics, offering readers a glimpse into the human condition and the endless capacity for change and renewal.

But let us not forget the whimsical charm of "Comedy," where laughter reigns supreme and heroes find themselves in the most absurd of situations. From the antics of Spider-Man to the misadventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel's comedic offerings are as diverse as they are delightful, providing a welcome respite from the trials and tribulations of heroism.

Yet even amidst the laughter and lightheartedness, there exists the somber specter of "Tragedy," where heroes confront their darkest fears and suffer heartbreaking losses. From the death of Uncle Ben to the fall of Jean Grey, Marvel's tragic tales serve as poignant reminders of the fragility of life and the sacrifices made in the name of heroism.

And let us not overlook the timeless allure of "Voyage and Return," where heroes venture into the unknown and return forever changed by their experiences. From the cosmic adventures of the Fantastic Four to the interdimensional escapades of Doctor Strange, Marvel's tales of exploration and discovery are as boundless as the universe itself.

So where, then, is this so-called "Superhero Fatigue", this lack of quality writing and ideas? With a plethora of Marvel stories available across comics, movies, and beyond, the relatively few films released are just a drop in the ocean of creative potential. Marvel's commitment to diversity ensures that every voice, every idea, has a chance to shine, offering a vast array of heroes and narratives for fans of all backgrounds to connect with. Whether you're drawn to the big-screen epics or the intimate tales found in comics, Marvel provides a platform where everyone can see themselves reflected as a superhero. So, rather than feeling fatigued, let's celebrate the wealth of stories and characters that Marvel has to offer, knowing that there's always something new and exciting waiting to be discovered in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe.

30 thousand and growing Marvel comics, and 7 themes. So, that feeling within the MCU of we've been there before? Well, we can almost be certain - we have. Enjoy the ride, and above all, remember, you're not meant to live every journey, you're only meant to make special the ones you are.