Cocaine Bear
Cocaine Bear Funko Pop!

In the world of animal encounters, there are many fascinating and unbelievable stories that have been passed down through the ages. But one story stands out as particularly bizarre - the story of the "cocaine bear."

The story begins in the fall of 1985, when a drug smuggler named Andrew Thornton II was flying a plane full of cocaine from Colombia to the United States. During the flight, Thornton had to make a jump - parachuting from the plane.

Thornton didn't survive the jump due to failed parachute deploy, but the packages of cocaine he was carrying did. And as fate would have it, they were discovered by a black bear who happened to be wandering through the area.

The bear, no doubt attracted by the strong scent of the drugs, tore open the packages and began eating the cocaine. According to reports, the bear consumed so much cocaine that it ultimately died from an overdose.

The bear's body was discovered a few days later by a group of hikers, who were understandably shocked to find a dead bear surrounded by empty packages of cocaine.

The bizarre tale of the cocaine bear has since become the stuff of legend, and has been the subject of countless retellings and reimaginings over the years. But beyond its sheer absurdity, the story also serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of the drug trade, and the toll it can take on both humans and animals alike.

In recent years, there have been renewed efforts to protect black bears in the area where the cocaine bear met its untimely demise. And while the story may be strange and tragic, it has also helped to raise awareness about the importance of preserving our natural resources and protecting the wildlife that call them home.